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433 Truesdale Hill Rd
Lake George, NY, 12845
United States


Let us help you make your second home, hunting cabin or log home dream exactly what you've envisioned. Woodland Things' decor features hand crafted cedar log furniture of superior quality and strength and pine rustic furniture for cozy cabin retreats. Picture your lodge walls with barn wood signs or wildlife wall tapestries, maybe ledge stone mirrors. For comfort, warmth and color, adorn furniture with log home cabin throws and lodge pillows. Warm floors with deeply cut, textured wildlife and hunting lodge rugs for bedroom, living room and kitchen. We offer you affordable kitchen and bath rustic and contemporary log home decor. Choose from rustic antler lighting or highest quality handcrafted brass and copper onion lanterns with hand blown globes for indoor cabin lighting and welcoming outdoor lighting. We have fishing and hunting decor from fishing creel baskets to duck decoys to patina metal sculptures.  

Wildlife Sculptures

Wildlife sculptures complete the lodge theme with a high end look. Powerful bear, moose and bison statues or a personalized, graceful, majestic whitetail sculpture to adorn a mantle or tabletop in your log home, lodge or cabin. Chic wildlife elegance in an office or restaurant setting.      

Ambler - Bull Moose Sculpture


Ambler - Bull Moose Sculpture

Sale Price:$147.50 Original Price:$160.00

This sculpture accurately depicts the immense size a bull moose's body grows to and antlers can attain each and every year. Dropping their tines after mating season to conserve energy for the winter, the bull moose consumes thousands of calories in terrestrial vegetation each day to maintain strength. Cold cast and hand painted in fine detail.

 Measures: 7"L x 7"H x 3-1/2"

SKU: WLT 6567775468


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